Sunday, June 10, 2007

Last good book I read...

Snow Crash was pretty good.

There. I'm blogging again.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hello, Computer

Now the Cybernetic Organisms are calling me to remind me my cell phone payment is past due.

In resolution news, I read the literary masterpiece Harry Potter 6 again. I also read Rainbow Mars by Larry Niven. Mars was an interesting blend of a classic Niven concept exploration and an homage to classic Mars science fiction. Throw in Moby Dick, a time machine,a beanstalk and Jack himself. Oh, and Yggdrasil.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Was I resolving to do something?

Where was I? Where am I?

I think I was reading. I read Into Thin Air and was absolutely fascinated by it. Then a 1 became a 0 and I stopped reading for the most part.

My nature is such that I have finished a couple sci-fi novels, but it looks like Resolution #52 is kaput of '06. Speaking of 52, I find it to be an interesting weekly read.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Got a minimal amount of work done on the highpointing page. The 52 book blog has less work done on it, but so far I've finished To Rule the Waves and Second Foundation. Up soon are Heart of Darkness and three more books from the Foundation series.

January has been a good month for new episodes of my four favorite TV shows, though: The Office, Battlestar Galactica, Lost, and My Name is Earl.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


One of this year's resolutions is to get my highpointing page up to date. (Another is to add 12 high points, but that will have to wait for warm weather.) I worked on my page for a little while. The reports for Mississippi and New Jersey are done, and Missouri at least has pictures up. I should have Massachusetts and West Virginia done in the near future.

Another plan for the year is to read a book a week. DeHaye has done this one in years past. The parameters of the quest are somewhat finalized. At least 12 of the books are going to have to be "substantial" or "important." I want to create a blog detailing this particular resolution. The first book I'll finish will probably be To Rule the Waves, a history of the British Navy.

Monday, December 19, 2005

What could be better than Cocoa Roos?

Kroger Brand Chocolate/Peanut Butter cereal (Reese's knock-off).

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. (The milk afterwards tasted like a Reese's milkshake from Cheeburger Cheeburger.)

Much better than the US World Cup Draw. "Group of Death," here we come.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

World Cup Draw on Friday

So, the US may get a bit of a rough draw as we are not one of the top eight seeded teams for next year's World Cup. Somehow, Mexico is. Too bad the seeding system takes into account the horrific 1998 World Cup teams. We're still paying for that nightmare. Hopefully, we don't draw somehting like Brazil/Netherlands or Italy/Czech Republic.

A look at the draw